Abstract Architecture Framed Photography in the Office or Your Home

How to Use Abstract Architecture Framed Photography in the Office or Your Home

Photography is a great way to add some personality and style to your home or your office space. If you're looking for something a little different, abstract architecture-framed photography is a great option.

Abstract architecture can be used to help create contemporary minimalist spaces, elevate mid-century modern looks, or reinforce industrial aesthetics where raw finishes take centre stage. Here are some tips on how to use abstract architecture-framed photography in your space.

Botanical Framed Photography For Your Home Decor

Botanical Framed Photography For Your Home Decor

Framed photography is a great way to add interest, style, and personality to your home decor. And what better subject matter for your framed photos than a little piece of Mather Nature herself. Colourful patterns, texture, clean lines or chaotic character, botanicals and florals can tick all your style boxes. Here we will explore a few different ways you can use floral and botanical framed photography in your home, no matter what your decorating style may be.
Sazzadur Rahman
It’s Black, It’s White, It’s Art

It’s Black, It’s White, It’s Art

In a world so full of colour where every vibrant detail is on display, there is something about being removed from all of that colourful chaos and taking some calm in the simplicity of black and white. I love back-and-white photography and how elements like composition, contrast and tonality engage the viewer with simplicity rather than the overstimulation colour can sometimes provide.

Let me know your thoughts. Feel free to comment below!

Adam Davies

The Shape Of View Architecture Abstract Wall Art

The Shape Of View Architecture Abstract Wall Art

I’m fascinated by how Architecture can be a defining feature of a city or town, how colour contrasts against a blue sky, or natural surroundings, shadows create silhouettes, or how the materials used, create a visual feast for the eyes. 
Adam Davies
Spring Inspired Wall Art Ideas

Spring Inspired Wall Art Ideas

It’s been a very wet and soggy year down under. Spring is around the corner and more than ever, we’re craving newness, warmth and sunshine. It’s the perfect time to refresh by adding some spring elements to your room decor. One of the easiest ways to bring these sunny feels good vibes is to update your walls with wall art that looks good and makes you feel just as nice!
Adam Davies
Milo Mouth Image

How To Nestle Milo - The Addiction Photography Series

My addiction to this chocolate, heavenly drink, can be traced back to my Grandmothers house somewhere around 1983. A step stool would be unfolded and I’d climb this stairway to heaven. A glass of milo waited at the top of the stool for me, and there I’d sit, wishing the drink would never finish. I’m glad I have this simple memory of my grandmother that still feels as full today. 
Adam Davies


Isolation has lifted a little but home still feels like the best place to be right now. Following on from part one, here are our remaining Iso tips!
Tess Miguel


When the Zoom background no longer cuts it!

Now that we are getting used to seeing the inside of our colleagues makeshift office space on a daily basis, it's time to up the stakes. Whether it's a gallery wall of photos of loved ones, or print or canvas, it can say a lot about your sense of style and offers us a glimpse into your personality. 



In these crazy times, we could all do with a bit of calm to reset and balance. Everywhere you turn, whether it is your favourite Instagram influencer spruiking an iso work out, celebrities baking or ‘entertaining’ us and the doom and gloom of the news. Before you know it you can’t do another video call, you’ve run out of new shows to watch on Netflix and your Ruby Slippers are three clicks away from heading back to OZ. 
Sharing our home tips for promoting feelings of contentment!
Tess Miguel